Our Legal Software Solutions

Case Management

Staying on top of case deadlines, work product and documents is critical. Orion aggregates critical data to a single screen, creating a Case Management Dashboard that allows you to run your practice more efficiently.

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Contact Management

Orion allows you to easily manage contacts by assigning contact types and creating relationships with other contacts, cases and events. Multiple contact addresses are managed using primary and associated addresses, allowing you to cascade address changes to primary and associated related contacts.

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Document Management

It’s no secret that law firms lose valuable billable time working inefficiently with multitudes of case files, document styles, custom databases designed to track case information, emails and correspondence.

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Financial Management

Since 1985, Orion has delivered complete Financial Management systems to law firms throughout the country. Orion’s high client retention is testimony to the continuous product development aimed at meeting the needs of today’s law practice.


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Firm Management

Beyond accounting, Orion provides complete front office control. While accounting provides the core of any well-managed practice, today’s law firm has requirements far beyond just balancing the books.

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Practice Management

The Orion Practice Management System puts critical data right on your desktop. Everything you need to know about your firm: Case Management, Docket, Calendar, E-Mails, Contacts, Communications, Financial Statistics and Client Documents.

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Time Management

Studies show that the average firm is losing approximately 1.2 billable hours per day per attorney – due to a failure to properly record time. In the modern law office, professionals have multiple methods to produce their work product – handheld devices, online research, email, fax, telephone, mobile phone, etc. – it is easy to see how lawyers lose billable time.


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