Today’s law firms depend on automation and tightly integrated software solutions to improve workflow between attorneys, legal staff and the accounting department, freeing-up the accounting staff for more critical business needs. Managing paper-based copies of vendor invoices is not only time-consuming but can be highly expensive when considering the costs associated with storage. This is made even more difficult when Clients require copies of vendor invoices along with their invoices or when required by legal e-billing companies based on a dollar threshold. Aside from Client-based requirements, vendor invoices can be stored and linked to firm related expenses. Further, these invoice images can be viewed from Matter inquiry (“Matter Status”), Vendor inquiry (“Vendor Status”) as well as from the General Ledger inquiry tools (“GL Account Status” as well as through Orion’s Online Statements).
Whether the invoice is received by accounting and entered into Orion for payment or is entered by the legal staff through Orion’s Check Request feature - Clients (or e-billing companies) that require copies of these invoices will be reminded by Orion that a scanned image is required. Users simply browse to the previously scanned image, perform any required redaction and save the image along with the Accounts Payable Voucher or Check Request. When the Client’s invoice is generated, a copy of the vendor invoice is automatically printed, attached to the email or is exported along with the e-billing file for processing.
Orion A/P Voucher Entry
Seamless integration with A/P Voucher Entry provides accounting personnel notification when a Client requires backup or copies of the Vendor’s invoice as well as the option to attach the invoice on-the-fly, thus eliminating the need to maintain paper copies of these invoices and the time it takes to manage and file supporting documentation. Since many Vendors provide invoices that span multiple Clients, Matters and firm-related expenses, images can be attached at the distribution level where pages can be removed and portions of the images can be redacted from with A/P Imaging.
Validating Charges
It’s critical to validate the charges associated with Client-billable expenses. With Orion’s A/P Imaging Module, Vendor invoice images can be printed along with the Client’s Prebill so that the Billing Attorney can verify that the charges to be billed are related to the proper Client and Matter. Because there are instances when images may not have been initially required, notification is provided on the Prebill and in Bill Prep alerting the Billing Attorney or the person editing the Prebill which expenses are missing images.

Orion A/P Imaging Module Benefits Include:
Increase the efficiency of vendor invoice processing, billing and firm expense audits
Include vendor invoices with printed invoices, invoices sent to Clients by email or those submitted via legal e-billing websites
Require vendor invoice images based on a threshold or with each billable charge to a specific Client or Matter
Ensure prompt response to a Client’s request to receive another copy of their invoice along with a copy of any vendor invoices
Drill-down to view associated vendor invoice images from Client Status, Matter Status, Vendor Status, GL Account Status or GL Online Statementsreceivable clerk
Reduce or eliminate storage costs associated with maintaining paper-based copies of vendor invoices